cover of the nonfiction book 'financial feminist'
29 January 2023

it takes some guts to take 2 f-words that are either taboo (such as finance, after all ‘it’s rude to talk about money’) or have a bad reputation (such as feminist, because ‘don’t you love men?’) and make these the title of your book : financial feminist. but ‘guts’ pretty...

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cover of 'lean in'
13 June 2021

as an inspirational and successful leader, sheryl sandberg is a woman after my own heart. naturally, i was very much looking forward to reading her 2015 book ‘lean in’. when a tad bit bland... after a powerful starting chapter, however, i felt the remaining chapters to fall a bit flat....

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the covers of 'how to get over a boy' and 'what a time to be alone'
5 April 2021

empowering. uplifting. inspirational. these are just three of the many adjectives that come to mind when i think of chidera eggerue’s books ‘what a time to be alone’ and ‘how to get over a boy’. feminism in these books, eggerue effortlessly combines the wisdom of her lived experience with many...

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cover of women don't owe your pretty
30 December 2020

part manifesto, part rant, part educational intro into feminism, florence given’s ‘women don’t owe you pretty’ reads like a rollercoaster ride.

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invisible women by caroline criado perez
8 November 2020

invisible women by caroline criado perez is one of the most important books i read in the last years. it should be mandatory reading for all and any introductory courses in both the hard and social sciences.

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the cover of 'do it like a woman' on a chair with a blanket
26 July 2020

'do it like a woman …and change the world' reads like a kaleidoscope of portraits of strong women all over the globe in 5 chapters. criado perez cites a lack of role models for girls and women as one of the reasons she wrote this book in the introduction. and...

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