have you ever read a book that made you feel like someone looked deep into the most hidden parts of your soul and said: ‘ok, i got you. let me write a book just for you.’? no, me either. until now. i have never read a book quite like this...
Read Moreit takes some guts to take 2 f-words that are either taboo (such as finance, after all ‘it’s rude to talk about money’) or have a bad reputation (such as feminist, because ‘don’t you love men?’) and make these the title of your book : financial feminist. but ‘guts’ pretty...
Read Moreinvisible women by caroline criado perez is one of the most important books i read in the last years. it should be mandatory reading for all and any introductory courses in both the hard and social sciences.
Read Moreessentialism by greg mckeown is the business equivalent to marie kondo’s the life-changing magic of tidying. it’s the bible of minimalism.
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