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business and tech

15 September 2024

i love greg mckeown’s ‘essentialism’. it has impacted my life for the better to the point that i called it ‘the bible of minimalism’ in my review. i was therefore very excited about his follow-up ‘effortless’. and a little anxious. could he do it again? put my world upside down?...

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cover of 'the filter bubble'
11 April 2021

eli pariser’s ‘the filter bubble’ is not the most recent read. in fact, it was first published in 2011. now, ten years is a long time. at some point for instance, the book casually mentions a VCR player. non-ironically. i know… but in internet-time, 10 years is an eternity. a...

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cover of 'the distracted mind'
7 February 2021

whereas no any prior knowledge of any kind is needed to follow the argument and teachings of 'the distracted mind', a love - or least tolerance - of fascinating, but dense academic reading is a must. psychology 101 textbook part one read like one of my psychology 101 textbooks. or...

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cover of 'radical candor'
31 January 2021

first a disclaimer: i am a people pleaser. to make matters worse, i am also a perfectionist. not a winning combo for giving people feedback on their work. in order to improve, i sought out ‘radical candor’ by kim scott. subtitle: how to get what you want by saying what...

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picture of the cover of the book essentialsm by greg mckeown
29 August 2020

essentialism by greg mckeown is the business equivalent to marie kondo’s the life-changing magic of tidying. it’s the bible of minimalism.

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picture of the 4-hour work week on a side table
28 June 2020

the 4-hour work week shows you how work way less, earn the same (or more) and do with your free time whatever you please. the dream, right? or is it?

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