
your money or your life

cover of 'your money or your life'

in these past months, i have read my fair share of personal finance books, but none of them had made me think as much or as deeply about my life than ‘your money or your life’ by vicki robin.

while other books give a lot of (mostly helpful) information and facts about money, they remain at their essence about the ‘how to’.

sure, they ask you to consider what your objectives and priorities are (there can be no planning without a goal), but none of them really provide you with the tools to find your ‘why’.

find your why

this is where this book differs, because this book, at its core, is about values.

both literally and metaphorically.

how do you value money, your life, your time, yourself? how do you want to spend your life, how do you NOT want to spend your life? and how much of the way you live your life is in accordance with those values?

and whereas i initially (quite condescendingly) thought of the first pages as a bit ‘hippy-esque’, that impression soon faded.

doing the work

the questions and different exercises that accompany each chapter – the steps – sucked me in.

they held up a mirror and the image i saw reflected in it was often surprising and not always to my liking. such as for instance my work / life balance or what i give my energy to and what my energy is worth to me.

my conclusion

this book is less about the nitty gritty of money and finance and more about how to live life on one’s own terms.

despite this (or maybe just because of it) i can wholeheartedly recommend it to every one.

your life will be richer after reading this book!

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