cover of 'the marshmallow test'
20 June 2021

first contact with the marschmallow test the first time i heard of mischel’s research was quite a few years back when i watched an hilarious youtube video of kids trying to resist marshmallows and other sweets. some succeeded. other didn’t. but all these kids with their gestures and wait tactics...

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cover of 'braving the wilderness'
30 May 2021

in her fifth book 'braving the wilderness', brené brown tackles true belonging. and how this surprisingly involves, first of all, to belong - and be true - to ourselves. a manual for today's world and with that, it seems as if brown has written a manual on how to exist...

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cover of 'self-compassion'
23 May 2021

‘self-compassion’ by kristin neff was a personal read for me. combining elements from both her own psychological research and her study of mindfulness into a kind of manual for self-reflection, she takes the reader on a journey from self-critic to self-appreciation. and if that sounds hard, that might be because...

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cover of 'group'
28 February 2021

i finished this memoir in just over 24 hours and if it weren’t for things like sleep and social obligations, i would have read it in one go. what the book is about in ‘group’, christie tate tells her story from a borderline suicidal, albeit high functioning, loner to a...

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cover of 'the distracted mind'
7 February 2021

whereas no any prior knowledge of any kind is needed to follow the argument and teachings of 'the distracted mind', a love - or least tolerance - of fascinating, but dense academic reading is a must. psychology 101 textbook part one read like one of my psychology 101 textbooks. or...

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