psychology and health

6 books to read after a breakup

breakups are a part of life. they hurt and they’re ugly. some make you feel like you break into the tiniest of pieces and others make you feel like you can finally breathe again. some make you feel lost and others make you feel like you finally found yourself.

but no matter the circumstances, they’re the beginning of something different. a new journey that awaits.

books are my coping mechanism. (i know, no surprise there). so, through my share of heartbreak, i always read and these are 6 of books that helped me the most after a breakup in the past:

the breakup bible by rachel a. sussman

beginning, middle and end, this book accompanies you through all stages of a breakup.

radical acceptance by tara brach

to feel all the feels

tiny beautiful things by cheryl strayed

to gain a little perspective

comfortable with uncertainty by pema chödrön

because everything that’s new and different is also scary.

rising strong by rené brown

the subtitle says it all ‘this is a book about getting back up’.

the alchemist by paulo coelho

to make you feel good about the world and have faith.

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