
personal finance and investing

cover of the nonfiction book 'financial feminist'
29 January 2023

it takes some guts to take 2 f-words that are either taboo (such as finance, after all ‘it’s rude to talk about money’) or have a bad reputation (such as feminist, because ‘don’t you love men?’) and make these the title of your book : financial feminist. but ‘guts’ pretty...

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cover of 'rich dad, poor dad'
9 May 2021

‘rich dad, poor dad’ is commonly known as THE personal finance classic. my feelings about it were… let’s call them… mixed. why? well, there is an obvious appeal to the basic ideas in this book that go against mainstream assumptions. such as, the difference between an asset and a liability...

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cover of 'investing to save the planet'
21 March 2021

when digging deeper into the topic of personal finance, there invariably comes the time when idealists get confronted with their values. that time is when traditional advice to diversify and thereby mitigate risk (or in other words : invest in as many companies as possible) clashes with the adage of...

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cover of 'the path'
10 March 2021

money can be hope and possibility and dreams. it can also be greed and fear and scarcity. having it represents freedom to do (or not do) as you please. not having it can make an already difficult life even more strenuous. it shouldn't therefore come as a surprise that there...

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cover of 'your money or your life'
17 January 2021

in these past months, i have read my fair share of personal finance books, but none of them had made me think as much or as deeply about my life than ‘your money or your life’ by vicki robin. while other books give a lot of (mostly helpful) information and...

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picture of the book open up by alex holder
6 December 2020

when i covered the best personal finance books in german, i shared my intention to continue with books in english on the matter and open up by alex holder is now the first one in this new series. the book’s subtitle reads ‘why talking about money will change your life’....

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