in her fifth book ‘braving the wilderness’, brené brown tackles true belonging. and how this surprisingly involves, first of all, to belong – and be true – to ourselves.
a manual for today’s world
and with that, it seems as if brown has written a manual on how to exist in today’s world.
a world that sometimes feels like it’s becoming more and more divisive and less and less nuanced. a world where values are shifting or sometimes getting completely lost. a world where so much stuff happens that you disagree with, so that you have to speak up even though you’re not sure anybody can even hear you through all the noise.
because it is not possible to live in today’s world, be ourselves and NOT speak up.
at least, it feels that way to me.
the wilderness
and that has consequences. like anything that goes against the social grain, being true to your values and defending them, maybe even advocating for them will put you on the sidelines. and that can be a lonely place.
brown calls it the wilderness. i like that description. maybe because i also like the wilderness. and maybe that’s why her words are so highly emotional to me. why i am experience them as so comforting.
because there is something deeply comforting about brown’s books. so far, every single one of them felt like a ‘permission slip’ to be me. to be my most inner self.
’braving the wilderness’ is no exception.
long story short, if ever you’ve been different or felt different because of something that are, want or believe in, this book is for you!